In Building Mobile Coverage

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In building Coverage Solutions

AEGOTEL specializes in providing in-building solutions that enhance cellular signals indoors. These solutions are designed to improve coverage for texting, voice calls, and data services in various venues such as airports, malls, sports arenas, casinos, hospitals, and convention centers.

AEGOTEL’s solutions are also designed to be future proof. We are built to handle future upgrades or expansions without disrupting or degrading existing services. This is crucial in the rapidly evolving field of telecommunications, where new technologies and network requirements are constantly emerging. AEGOTEL ensures that their systems can accommodate all wireless carriers’ network services, including the latest standards such as 5G, 4G, LTE, WiMAX, and MIMO.

AEGOTEL offers a range of coverage solutions and services to ensure optimal cellular coverage and capacity indoors.

Here are some of the key aspects of coverage solutions:

Coverage Solutions
Active, Passive, and Hybrid DAS Designs
DAS designing in iBwave
CW Testing and performance Validation
Coordination with Builders and Contractors
RF Validation
Baseline/Benchmark Testing
Capacity Enhancement Solution and Planning

AEGOTEL specializes in designing and Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) that support both Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technologies. This allows for improved signal quality, increased capacity, and better coverage.

AEGOTEL offers different types of DAS designs to suit the specific requirements of the venue. We utilize advanced software tools like iBwave and Atoll to design active, passive, and hybrid DAS systems, ensuring seamless coverage and capacity enhancement.

Our level 3 Certified engineers have extensive experience in ensuring design quality and accuracy By using iBwave for both DAS design and building modeling, AEGOTEL benefits from a seamless workflow that integrates the technical aspects of the DAS system with the physical layout of the building. This integration allows for efficient planning, precise antenna placement, accurate coverage predictions, and optimization of the wireless network design.

CW testing allows AEGOTEL to validate the performance of the designed in-building wireless solution. By comparing the measured signal parameters against industry standards and performance requirements, AEGOTEL ensures that the network meets the desired specifications for signal strength, coverage, and quality.

By actively coordinating with builders and contractors, AEGOTEL ensures that their in-building coverage solution proposal aligns with the construction plans and requirements. This collaborative approach helps streamline the implementation process, minimize disruptions, and deliver a successful in-building coverage solution that meets the specific needs of the project

AEGOTEL conducts RF validation to verify the performance of the implemented coverage solution. This ensures that the system meets the desired specifications and provides reliable and efficient connectivity throughout the venue.

AEGOTEL conducts initial testing to establish the existing coverage and performance metrics within a venue. This provides a baseline for evaluating the effectiveness of their solutions.

AEGOTEL provides capacity enhancement solutions that optimize the usage of available resources and ensure efficient utilization of the network. We conduct capacity planning to assess the current and future needs of the venue and implement strategies for offloading and carrier additions.